The 6 benefits of prefab houses, delivering certainty to our clients

Standard Self Contained Cabin

We at Absolute Tiny Homes could give you a glowing list of the benefits of prefab houses, however the reality is that most people jump on board our prefab homes because of the certainty we provide with a fixed price build. They tell us it gives them peace of mind. 

The benefits of prefab houses and peace of mind we provide is delivered through:

  • Fact #1 – Affordable, quality construction
  • Fact #2 – Sustainable ecofriendly living
  • Fact #3 – Design choices by you

Let’s explore…

Fact #1 – Affordable, quality construction

Benefit #1 – Affordable, cost-effective construction

With houses and building costs at a peak there is great interest in affordable housing with prefab homes. The fact is your prefab home build is more affordable compared to traditional construction methods. Here’s why.

Home builds are expensive for three reasons materials, labour and time. The bigger the home, the more materials, labour and time it will take. With a tiny prefab home you’re saving on materials, labour and time. All this means we save you money.

Benefit #2 – Hidden savings 

The bonus is that a shorter construction time means you are not wasting money on rent or overstaying your welcome at a friends’ or families’ house. That is priceless.

Benefit #3 – Quality Build to NZ Building Code Standards.

At Absolute Tiny Homes we are all about quality of the build. Michael, our founder, comes from building Super Yachts and applies his skills and functional design into your quality home. He has a mature build process supported by the Absolute Tiny Homes Quality Control Process. He builds to NZ building codes, not because he has too, Prefab homes on wheels are not governed by this standard, but because it is important to him. He also uses Building Research Authority New Zealand (BRANDZ) recommendations for approved building products.

Fact #2 – Sustainable, ecofriendly living

Benefit #4 – Connected to nature

What we have discovered from our clients migrating to tiny home living is that they tend to be escaping the suburbs. Some are seeking a quieter life, some seeking out nature and often both. It is in your hands.

Benefit #5 – Reduced carbon footprint and waste

By definition, a carbon footprint is the sum of all the by-products that come from using fossil fuels to manufacture and move goods, build structures, provide food and travel.

A tiny prefab home build using fewer materials, consumes less power, has less earthworks (if you place your home on foundations). Basically, the build uses less of everything.

Then it is over to you. Many of our clients go off-grid in their energy-efficient prefab homes. If this is of interest to you, after the initial set-up, your carbon footprint will be smaller. Not to mention that there will be no more service bills so less money leaving your pocket. 

Fact #3 – Design choices

Benefit #6 – Your home, your style.

From the very beginning you are involved in the design process. It starts as we begin to learn how you want to live and use your tiny home. We take you through our design and build process. We explore our floor plans and design specifically for your needs. 

We love making your dreams a reality. We create your tiny prefab home and you get the joy of personalising it. Making it your own.

Ultimately, the 6 benefits of prefab houses detailed above provide our customers the certainty and peace of mind they are looking for. 

If your tiny home vision is starting to take a hold in your mind and you like the benefits of prefab houses, combined with the fact that at Absolute Tiny homes we build prefab houses to NZ building code standards, give Michael a call. Let’s start talking. Tell Michael about your dream and take the first step to turning one of our prefab houses into your home.


Q. How long does it take to build a Prefab home?

A. From build start it typically takes 2.5 to 3 months.

Q. How durable are PreFab homes

A. Our Absolute Tiny Homes are built to NZ Building Code standards using BRANZ approved building products. They are built to last.

Q. Can I customise my prefab home?

A. Yes you can. There are two stages in the process to do this. The first is when we design the floor plan and finalise the building materials and finishes. The second is when you move in and style your home your way. 

Q. How much do prefab houses cost

A. One of the great benefits of prefab houses is their affordability compared to traditional houses. Check out our floor plans and prices page for our affordable prefab homes.

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