Becoming a tiny house owner will require you to reconstruct your lifestyle and personal items. You will have limited space and therefore will need to think more carefully about how you choose to use this space. Depending on the layout of your tiny house, your personal storage needs, and your lifestyle, you will need to be creative with the way in which you maximise your tiny house space and organisation.
Firstly, you should look carefully at your tiny house’s architectural elements.
Switch your dining table for bar seating
Dining rooms are usually removed out of tiny home designs, but if you’d prefer some more countertop space for dining then opt for a bar top instead.
Hang your kitchen items
Pots and pans are difficult to store in cupboards, no matter the size. Alternatively, you could install some hooks in your kitchen where you can hang the more bulky kitchen items, meanwhile saving your cupboards and drawers for other items.
Add storage under the sofa
If you opt for a custom sofa in your tiny house, then take advantage of it to use the sofa as a storage opportunity underneath the sofa.
Use windowsills
Little changes in tiny houses can make big differences. If you’re searching for opportunities to add more shelf space, try extending your windowsills out a few extra inches. This will offer space to store books, lamps, mirrors and any other items you would normally store on a side table.
By minimizing your personal belongings, utilizing any vertical space, and discovering new storage opportunities through the creative use of space, you’ll be on your way to the tiny house of your dreams.
Here at Absolute Tiny Houses, we can make your dream home an Absolute reality. Our mission is to deliver beautiful, spacious and affordable Tiny houses for everyone who dreams about an independent free life. We have adopted the tiny house way of life and adapted our building techniques to suit uniquely NZ conditions. Trust the people who live and breathe tiny houses and get on board with the Tiny House NZ movement today. Contact us now.