The 7 Benefits of container homes, keeping it Real


We at Absolute Tiny Homes could give you a glowing list of the benefits of container home living, however, the reality is that most people jump on board container home living because of the initial affordable and time efficient construction. There are many more benefits; the obvious and not so obvious. The benefits of container homes fall into three irrefutable facts.

The irrefutable facts are container homes provide:

  • Affordable, quality construction
  • Sustainable eco-friendly living
  • Your unique lifestyle

Let’s explore…

Fact #1: Affordable, quality construction

Benefit #1: Affordable cost-effective construction

Your container home build is more affordable compared to traditional construction methods. Here’s why:

Much of the build cost in traditional homes is in the structural components. It is expensive for three reasons, materials, labour and time. The bigger the home the more materials, labour and time it will take. With a container home build the major structural work is already done, saving you time and money.

Benefit #2: Quality from the superior strength of a steel shipping container combined with the functional design of a boat builder

Your container home will keep you safe. It is strong, seriously strong. Being strong does not mean it’s basic box living. Step inside an Absolute Tiny Home container home and you will be transported into your gorgeous, comfortable home. Yes, its footprint is small, however, it does not feel small thanks to many of the smart, functional quality designs Michael our founder and boat builder has incorporated into our container homes.

Benefit #3: Savings, the forgotten savings during the container home build

Saving time on construction is money not spent on rent or overstaying your welcome at your parents’ or friends’ house. That is priceless.

Fact #2 – Sustainable eco-friendly living

Sustainable ecofriendly living means different things for different people. You have a choice to be fully connected to traditional power and infrastructure services or you can go fully off the grid or somewhere in between.

Benefit #4: Connecting to nature

By design your container home can fit into the most unexpected places, nestled between trees or in an open field, the choice is yours. No matter where you put it, its footprint is smaller than a traditional home, both physically and environmentally.

You are in control of how you connect to your environment.

Benefit #5 Reduced carbon footprint and waste

Just so that we are on the same page, a carbon footprint is the sum of all the by-products that come from using fossil fuels to manufacture and move goods, build structures, provide food, and travel.

This is one of the major benefits of container homes. You tread lightly. Simply having a container home means less of everything, building materials, power consumption, less earthworks, less everything resulting in fewer by-products.

If you want to use alternative power sources and go off-grid, after the initial set up it will mean further reductions to your carbon footprint, plus the added benefit of no more services bills and more money in your pocket.

Benefit #6: Repurposed shipping containers

At Absolute Tiny Homes we use ‘one-trip’ shipping containers. They have made one trip from Overseas to New Zealand. It is kind of cool that your container has already taken an interesting voyage.

We transform ‘one trip’ containers into your container home. You get the benefit of an almost new container, and we are able to save you money by buying smart.

Fact #3 – Uniquely yours

We bring the benefits of Michael’s boat-building expertise and you bring your flare.

Benefit #7: Space efficiency, minimalist living based on your needs.

The reality of living in a tiny container home can take some getting used to. The transition is part of the journey. Some of you will struggle more than others saying goodbye to stuff. It is usually a multi-step journey that will take time. The pain you think you will go through is well worth the outcome. We help you with the smart space-saving design and you help us bring the magic to your container home. Here’s how:

Styled by you!

The true magic comes when we understand what your container home living ideas are. Many people think they have to go full minimalist living. It is simply not true.

Furthermore, many people get way too stressed trying to achieve an ideal minimalist life.

Talk to us about how you want to use your space. Work with us as to how you want to live. What do you want in a cupboard and what do you want as a feature that reflects you? Your guitar or record player, your espresso machine, your coffee nook, your photos on the wall, your habits, a reading nook, a cat run, beer on the deck at sunset.

Complete this sentence, I want to (your favorite thing) (where) and (when).


I want to grab a beer pick up my guitar and sit on the deck at sunset.

I want to read my book, curled up on my couch looking out over the valley.

I want to enjoy my view with my morning coffee.

If you can say, ‘I want to….’ Give Michael a call and tell him how you would like to use your container at home.

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